Today’s Alpha Female is Motlatsi Diale a powerhouse who’s a passionate Public Health Professional through the United States government (USG), with a primary focus on HIV and Tuberculosis (TB). Her professional experience spans across the South African departments of health, USG agencies, United Nations, pharmaceutical companies and NGOs.
Her current role involves providing technical expertise and support to the South African departments of Health at varying levels i.e. district, provincial and national levels, and various NGOs in improving South African HIV and TB programs through policy development and implementation.
She provides technical support to USG funded organizations, and selected provinces on the overall improvement of the HIV cascade, and specific strategic approaches to ensure HIV treatment optimization and adherence.She has led several projects focused on improving the lives of people living with HIV. Amongst them are scaling up TB Preventative Therapy; Accelerating up-to-date HIV treatment in eligible patients; ensuring continuity of HIV services within COVID-19; establishing systems to improve health seeking behaviour of men etc.
Motlatsi has been recognized through several awards by the U.S embassy for her technical leadership and commitment within public health.She was recently deployed to serve in a Provincial COVID-19 task team, where she assisted with district technical support on COVID-19 management, data analysis, provincial health system preparedness. Motlatsi has served in the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) as a Deputy Chairperson (Health Policy and Systems Research), and currently participates in several Technical working groups and Steering committees pertinent to HIV.
Motlatsi is a founder and former Editor of a wellness magazine. When she isn’t changing the world her interests include hiking, cooking and yoga, and she enjoys spending time with close family. What a BEAST ✨✨✨✨Light of Inspiration#AlphaFemaleFridays#PublicHealthBeast#HIVResearcher#ABlackGirlInfusedWithMagic